segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011

Motorista atropela passeata de ciclistas em Porto Alegre [+CENAS FORTES]

4 comentários:

Donizeth disse...

This is not what God's word says? When I gave my life to Christ
heard much about this love that would be cool, but for me the last
days were far away ... But today I look at my life, I look around me,
look at the churches, cities, society in general, country, world and see that
the last days are TODAY!!

What seemed a distant 15 years ago, is my TODAY! But still sad
was when I looked and realized that my love tb ... Not that it cooled more
So I want my love and my passion skin Sr and his Kingdom and souls
burning again.

This share today is to challenge you to think how good your love ...
love for Him, love of neighbor, love for the Kingdom that He wants this
land. We have to keep this love-independent situations, this love
should move us always, because this love is the Cross and what happened there and
for no other reason.

The Lord has called us to love Him more than things, love
more our brother, more rags to God than our plans and even more
than our own lives. It challenges us to love him the point of being
willing to give up EVERYTHING, and follows him to death.

We can be passionate, loving the Lord with all your heart, soul and
strength, that his name be glorified, and for Jesus to look at
this bride who dies of love for Him, and will not stand in

Author: Donizeth Anapolis Brazil-Go

Cara do Golf disse...

toma seus fdp

Anônimo disse...


Anônimo disse...
